Sparrows Point, MD 21219
(609) 306-9592
- Pet Treks will perform all agreed-upon services in an attentive, reliable, and caring manner and the pet owner will provide all necessary information to assist in this performance.
- Pet Treks shall be paid the amount agreed upon for each service. The amounts are as follows:
- Pet Sitting: Any visits or duties shall be calculated at a per-visit rate depending on time with additional charges of $5 for each additional pet. The rate is as follows: $70/day which includes 3 visits. Additional visits can be scheduled for an additional agreed-upon charge. There is an additional $10/day for visits on the following holidays: New Year's Day, Easter Sunday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day
- No deductions shall be made for late departure or early return of the owner. This amount will be paid as follows: 50% of services is due at the time of booking reservation. Reservation is not valid until a deposit is received. The remaining balance is due on the last day of the reservation.
- Dog Walking: a 20-minute walk will be $18. A 30-minute walk will be $25. A 60-minute walk will be $36. Potty breaks are $15.
- Payment is due each week on the last calendar day of service.
- Any payments due after a 3-day grace period will incur an additional $5 late fee per day.
- Forms of payment accepted are cash, Zelle, Cash App, or Venmo.
- Additional fees may include the purchase of items for the care of the pet(s), including but not limited to pet food, litter, cleaning supplies, transportation, unexpected visits to the vet, and emergency expenses for health care. Pet Treks will first attempt to contact the owner for approval prior to any purchases, but the pet needs will always be at the top of their minds. If contact with the owner is unsuccessful, Pet Treks will purchase needed supplies and retain and submit receipts as proof of additional expenses.
- Pet Sitting: Failure by the pet owner to cancel by giving a minimum of one week's notice will result in a 50% cancellation fee of the total amount due unless such cancellation is caused by severe weather, death in the family, or a medical emergency. EXCEPT: Should Pet Treks arrive at the home for service and be turned away or canceled, the full cost of the service will be charged to the client.
- Pet Treks will carry liability insurance relative to the services performed for the owner. Pet Treks accepts no liability for any breach of security or loss of or damage to the owner’s property if any other person has access to the property during the term of this agreement.
- The owner shall be liable for all medical expenses and damages resulting from an injury to Pet Treks caused by the pet as well as damage to the owner’s property.
- Pet Treks is released from all liability related to transporting pet(s) to and from any veterinary clinic or kennel, the medical treatment of the pet(s), and the expense thereof.
- In the event of an emergency, Pet Treks shall contact the owner at the number provided to confirm the owner’s choice of action. If the owner cannot be reached, Pet Treks is authorized to (1) transport the pet to the listed veterinarian, (2) Transport the pet to an emergency clinic if the pet’s primary veterinarian requests us to do so, or is not open. (3) Should the emergency be dire, Pet Treks will head straight to the veterinarian and contact the owner while en route.
- Pet Treks warrants to keep safe and confidential all keys, entry devices, access codes, and personal information of the owner and to return those items at the end of the contract period or immediately on demand.
- No relaxation, indulgence, waiver, or release by any party of any of the rights in terms of the Service Contract on one occasion shall prevent the subsequent enforcement of such rights and shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of any of the terms.
- Either party may terminate this Service Contract and/or their scheduled pet-sitting services.
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